Forestry and Wood Industries Training Centre (FWITC)

Course admission

The short courses organized by the Forest and Wood Industries Training Centre (FWITC) will be open to everyone interested in developing their skills and competences in entrepreneurship, forestry and wood processing. All FWITC training is competence-based and practically oriented hands-on training. Most of the courses are tied to VETA forest attendant and wood processing attendant curricula.

Participant assessment

No absence from training is allowed during any of the FWITC  courses. If urgent matters keep the participant from finishing the course, the FWITC Manager and FWITC Training Coordinator will negotiate whether they can attend another course later. The decision will be made on case by case basis.

If the short course is based on VETA curriculum, the performance assessment of a trainee will be done in accordance with the Competence Based Assessment (CBA) guidelines of VETA. Assessment of trainees participating in non-VETA courses are done through Continuous Assessment (CA) that will be carried out during the course. Active participation during the course is required for passing, in some cases also verbal and written exams are applied.

All trainees who have passed their course performance assessments will be issued the FWITC Course Attendance Certificate. This certificate indicates participant’s participation for a short course. It also shows whether the trainee has passed the course in accordance with the course assessment criteria.